Klimaanalyse der Region Basel


Analysis of the Regional Climate of Basel/Switzerland

In January 1995, a project called KABA (Klimaanalyse der Region Basel) started as a joint venture of the MCR Lab and governmental authorities for air quality control and urban/regional planning. Main objective was to design maps covering the trinational region of Basel (Switzerland, Germany and France) with a size of 51 x 33 km².

The first type of map displays the functional aspects of the physio- and sociographic settings for the regional climate, and therefore represents the basic climatic conditions of the study site. The second one contains site -specific planning objectives for planning authorities enabling them to consider specific features of planning processes influencing the regional climate and air quality an vice versa.
If you are interested in details of the project, the applied methodology and the results, please click at our logo in the upper right corner of this page.


wb01338_.gif (869 bytes) Project Participants


wb01338_.gif (869 bytes) MCR Lab Project Team

Project coordination Scientific coordination
Prof. Dr. Eberhard Parlow Dr. Dieter Scherer
Scientists Assistent
Dipl.-Biol. Ute Fehrenbach Dipl.-Geogr. Michael Föhner
Dipl.-Inform. Horst-Dieter Beha


wb01338_.gif (869 bytes) Publications


wb01338_.gif (869 bytes) Pressekonferenz KABA (only german version)


wb01338_.gif (869 bytes) Further Information

For further information concerning this project contact us or send an e-mail to Dr. Dieter Scherer or
Dr. Ute Fehrenbach.


pe03257a.gif (4096 bytes)  NEW!!   Climate Analysis Maps for Planning Aspects of Solothurn/CH

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